For a stable, long-lasting restoration that can replace one or more missing teeth, our dentists can use dental implants. Dr. Amirreza Rafaat and Dr. Sanin Emelee perform dental implant placements and restorations in Herndon, Virginia. If you call our office at 703-464-0000, you can schedule a complete consultation, where our dentists will discuss your various treatment options with you and whether or not you would be a good candidate for dental implants. Our team at Herndon Smile Design also performs various procedures to prepare your mouth for the use of dental implants.

For the placement of the implant, our dentists uses a dental implant post made from titanium and surgically places the post into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. This post serves as a new tooth root, which helps your restoration be stable and long-lasting. After the placement of the post, your mouth will need to heal so your jawbone can bond with the biocompatible post.

After your mouth has healed, Dr. Rafaat will place the implant restoration, which is the replacement tooth. The restoration will be custom-made to fit your smile’s unique needs. This treatment will look and feel just like your natural smile. When well cared for, a dental implant can last a lifetime.

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Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm
Friday, 8am-3pm

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